
Mashed Potato Donuts

Spudnuts are deep-fried pastries made out of mashed potatoes and covered in coarse sugar or a delicious glazed frosting. They’re simple to make and totally delicious!


Hot Mashed Potatoes Yeast | Sugar | Butter | Egg Scalded Milk | Warm Water Flour | Salt

Mix the yeast and warm water and leave to proof. Then mix together butter, sugar, hot mashed potatoes, and scalded milk.


Mix yeast mixture, egg, salt, and flour together. Add the mashed potato mixture and blend well, then add more flour. Mix until the dough is slightly sticky and soft.

Cover and allow to rise for about 1 1/2 hours. Then punch down dough and roll out to about 1/2-inch thick. Cut out doughnuts and holes.

Add oil to an electric skillet. Carefully add donuts to the oil and cook until both sides are lightly browned.

Sprinkle sugar, powdered sugar, or drizzle your favorite glaze over the top. Serve and enjoy!

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